Cycle 6, Day 4: Crazies

Daily Temp: 97.7

I have a bit of the crazies today. Cranky, irritable, yelly. There is no particular reason for this. Probably stress. Work stress, family stress, that kind of stuff. In any case it is making me a not nice person.

Over the past year I have worked really hard to get the crazies under control. This time last year I was about ready to lose my shit at the smallest thing in the world. Now through the miracle of ancient medicine I'm at least 90% "normal." That isn't to say that I don't have my occasional case of the crazies.

It usually is once a month. Isn't that the case with most women? This isn't your typical PMS stuff. This is full blown, want to jump out of my skin, lack the capacity to even use my please and thank yous crazy. I can't even fix my hair without wanting to pull a Brittany and shave it all off. It is best that I just stay in bed on those days, but life won't let me. I have work to get done, things to do and a life to lead. It may be less of a life on those days, but at least I got out of the bed. (there was a time when that was the best thing that happened all day)

It isn't time for my usual crazy. This is an unusual one. Not exactly sure what's up with it, but I think I need a nice Moxa fix to tame this beast.


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